Nexogen, Inc.

Simplifying DNA detection technology



We seek to innovate DNA detection technology for point-of-need and in-field applications. We strive to create state of the art instruments and platforms by applying the newest techniques in manufacturing to our proprietary products — allowing greater accessibility to innovative technologies at a lower cost.

Targeted Applications

Our DNA diagnostics technology is specialized and targeted for rapid identification of emerging diseases and biological agents for use in doctor’s offices, small hospitals, emergency rooms, and veterinary clinics



Nexogen focuses on the development and commercialization of disruptive and innovative technologies in DNA diagnostics. We aim to bring affordable yet state of the art rapid detection platforms to point-of-care diagnostics in human and animal clinics.

We develop assays and test kits through collaborative ventures offered to partners interested in point-of-care DNA diagnostics to bring our instrument and cartridge platforms to the world.

One of our growing niche interests is veterinary care in providing fast and easy access to accurate diagnostics for infectious diseases. In the near future, many animal clinics, veterinary offices, and even small to large scale farms will be able to quickly diagnose and treat illnesses, from avian diseases to high consequence bovine, poultry and swine diseases.

This revolutionizes how we care for our animals and transforms the way we catch illness before it spreads, leading to happier and healthier animals — and healthier foods.